
Fashion: Think Positive, Wear NegativiTEE.

I'm never really a fan of statement shirts, especially those nasty ones which tells you too much information about someone that you really don't want to know about. (e.g.  "Feeling Virgin Pa Rin").

There's an exception however, I found a statement shirt store at Alabang Town Center, it's called NegativiTEE, they feature a line of black t-shirts that has only one word printed on front of it, a negative word that is.

I liked it because it's not common. It stands out. it requires you to have a certain attitude while wearing it. And I always believed on flaunting your flaws and embracing your imperfections. So It really fits my personality, and that's something that is very important when buying a statement shirt. It has to represent who you.

One thing that's nice about it is that, it feels great to see someone else wearing the same shirt at the same time as you are, with a different word on it, I can't explain it, you'll have to find it out yourself. Ah haha.

Anyway, ikaw, what does your statement shirt say?

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